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Behavioural change mindset can save 40,000 Trees, Researchers from Auto institute Mumbai proposes FIRM for Environment.

Proper Vehicle servicing & maintenance can save 40000 trees, researchers at Auto Institute study..


Dr. Patanwala

On the occasion of World Environment Day, NITI Aayog, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), and United Nations Development Programme released a Compendium on LiFE

" Thinking for our Planet" as part of India's G20 presidency and promoting Lifestyle for Environment at a commemoration event organized by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi.


Taking inspiration from the idea behind Mission LiFE launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi and UN Secretary-General Mr. António Guterres on October 2022. UNDP, MoEFCC partnered with NITI Aayog towards the LiFE Global Call for Ideas and Papers, which saw 2,500 ideas on LiFE received from 67 countries highlights how the concept of LiFE is present across all cultures and countries, and through collective action, can become a watershed movement in our efforts to fight climate change.


A team of researchers from Mumbai, Autoinstitute ( Automotive- Behavioural Research institution) headed by AbdulKadir Poonawala and team Dr. Patanwala & Ms. M Gosavi was featured among the top 75 ideas compiled by Niti Aayog in its publication.


The study suggest that a mechanic just by the “Fix it Right” approach can save CO2 emissions that around 40,000 mature trees would absorb in a year and save our planet earth.There are approximately 5 lakh mechanics in the unorganized automotive aftermarket in India and increasing at the rate of 12% per annum. These mechanics are not equipped with correct ways to fix the vehicle right, and also lack responsibility and moral obligation due to unawareness of the importance of their work and its impact on the environment and economy. With a correct behavioral mindset, upskilling, and knowledge, they can act as an influencer and persuade vehicle owners to follow timely service procedures which are environmentally clean and economically beneficial.

The researchers proposed Green Mechanic Movement- Fix it Right Mindset (F.I.R.M) for the Environment amongst the local mechanics, garage owners (unorganized sector), and vehicle owners to sensitize them about the importance of efficient automotive servicing and repairs and its impact on the environment and circular economy.


The green mechanic movement revolves around the idea of bringing about behavioural change by NUDGING there complacent behaviour of mechanics /garage owners and they also act as an influencer to vehicle owner towards better decision for environment.

The movement might very well one day become the reason for the reduced threat to the environment from the currently polluting automotive industry.

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